Friday, October 12, 2018

Week 6: Derby Lift Station

This week was another easy week, especially since I was only there for two days. On Tuesday school was cancelled, so I did not go to my internship. On Wednesday and Thursday I worked on the Derby Lift Station. I made corrections to markups that my mentor gave to me. One of the things I needed to correct was an underground wire. I needed to connect the wire from a power pole to a disconnect. I also learned how to use different layers for the equipment that I insert into the drawings. The layers are basically different colored line segments which makes it easier to see in the drawings.

This week was a successful week for my goals. I completed my judging criteria for my project. This will help decide who has the best projects. I also got some pictures for my presentation. The two pictures I took were with my mentor and a picture of a lead sheet (at bottom). A lead sheet gives you information about symbols in the actual drawings. It can also provide notes for the project if needed. The creative first slide I came up with was the number of days I was at my internship then I will extend on that. I would have completed my one-line diagram that I was working on last week but my mentor finished it. I did do some corrections on it though. My question this week was if he had a P.E. degree or only an electrical engineering degree. He said that he has a P.E. degree. This cover electrical, structural, and mechanical engineering.
This is a picture of a lead sheet.

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