Friday, October 19, 2018

Week 7: N-Light System

This week was once again an easy week. My assigned work was to complete a N-light system for the Koch building. N-light systems are lighting systems that are controlled by a computer. A cat 6 wire is connected to the back of the computer and it is connected to the system. The job I had was to insert bar-code numbers for each light into AutoCAD. If I had to guess, I would say there was at least 75 lights. The second job I was assigned on Thursday was cleaning CAD backgrounds. The background is suppose to have certain colors for each the walls, furniture, doors, etc. The background I was given had the incorrect colors, so I had to change that.

I was very successful on my goals for this week. The first goal was to interview my mentor for the district newsletter. I also had to ask him 7-8 questions. I completed both of these by asking him seven questions about himself and his career. The next goal was to purchase gift cards for the invention fair prizes. I bought two $25 visa gift cards, two $15 iTunes gift cards, and two $10 amazon gift cards. I did not learn five new terms this week, but I did learn four. The terms I learned were N-light system, cat 6 wire, relay pack, and a ceiling mounted dual tech occupancy sensor. My last goal was to email the elementary school teachers about the number of projects they have. I did not get this goal completed this week. This was a very good week for me. I have learned a lot.
Image result for n light system
This is how an N-Light system works.

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